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Showing posts from February, 2016

Dust on the Guitar

Finally got my guitar out to play yesterday!! The poor thing's been shut in its dusty case and  stuck in the corner with the equally dusty fiddle and mandolin cases for too long. I have played it since baby came, but maybe only once. She seems to enjoy listening (as long as I sneak a kiss in frequently!) and it's good to get back to playing. Of course, it's easy to just pick up a guitar and play it, we'll see how it goes when I pick up the fiddle again. Eeeep o.O I want to get a couple of the 'Wee Sing' books soon to play from. I remember so many of the songs, but not chords. I can't wait till she starts singing along!!

Breastfeeding is easy!!!

Said no one ever. I wish I'd been a little more prepared for it. I devoted too much time to preparing for the birth, and taking care of the baby, and not enough learning how to feed her. It's important, feeding a baby, but I thought it would be easy and natural. It's natural, but the farthest thing from easy for most women. I wish somebody had told me: Latch is VERY important Babies need a lot of help latching on  Latching on is very hard Bad latches hurt After a few weeks, baby will try to help latch This does not help Those little flailing arms make a hard job harder There will be less milk at night There will be more milk in the morning Feeding a baby is one of the most enjoyable experiences in life There SHOULD NOT be any pain if the baby is on properly Annalise was such a little trouper those first two weeks. Feeding was agony. And it just got worse and worse. Finally I pumped and gave a bottle for a few days. I know a lot of people...

Big plans... aaaaaand a baby

I like to do stuff. I like to keep busy and fill my days with all kinds of stuff. I enjoy variety. Every week I plan all the stuff I want do do in the next seven days. It sounds great, it sounds fun, but nope. Some things just don't work in around a little person's needs, and little people need a lot. Some days my big exciting plans are to clean the bathroom (yes, really!), because the time is harder to find the bigger baby gets. I bought some shelves with my birthday money, and my plan was to put them together that night and organize them. Haha, nope!! Annalise was awake and hungry and fussy, and needed mommy a whole lot more than those shelves did. It took me three days to get them together, clean the living room, and mop a couple floors. But my baby was cuddled and loved, and that's more important. I like to make exciting long term plans months in advance. Right now I'm excited about a craft show in May that I'd like to sell at. It's two and a half mont...

One Month Birthday

Little miss is one month old today!! And not to be a overly biased mommy, but she is very advanced for her age, hitting milestone after milestone early :D She can: Hold her head up by herself Make "ah" sounds Pay attention to a rattle Focus on faces Smile spontaneously Bring her hands to her mouth Hold her head up on her tummy Smile when she thinks something's funny All in all, just working her precious way farther into our hearts. We love our girl!!!


Hi, I'm Mary Crouch, and I'm excited to finally start a blog I just might actually take care of!! I've started two before, I think, and never made it past the first draft of the first post on either one. BUT, I have a baby now, and that means a lot of wakeful nights, and opportunity to write. I'm a stay at home mom in Kentucky where I live with my wonderful husband and our little baby girl. I plan to blog randomly about babies, and animals, and crafts, and life, and books, and living naturally, and modest fashion, and serving Jesus, and hopefully meet a lot of great people!!